- The devil’s character and personality
- satan’s Original Position & Fall
- Ezekiel 28
- Full of wisdom and beauty (Verse 12-13)
- was the seal of perfection
- Had an awesome habitation (Verse 13)
- Had an awesome covering (Verse 13)
- Is the anointed cherub and was appointed (Verse 14)
- belonged to angelic order of cherubim
- guard the Throne; guard the Holiness of God (Genesis 3:24; also see Exodus 25:18-22, Hebrews 9:5)
- Was on the Holy mountain and walked in the midst o the stones of fire (Verse 14)
- was in the presence of God Himself
- Was perfect until iniquity was found in him (Verse 15)
- Filled with violence
- Got lifted up because of his beauty; corrupted the wisdom because of his splendor (Verse 17)
- Isaiah 14:12
- Fell and was cut down to the ground due to what was in his heart – his will
- 5 “I Wills”:
- (1) Will ascend into heaven
- already had access to third Heaven because he was anointed cherub
- wanted to rule in Heaven
- (2) Will exalt my throne above the stars of God
- wanted to rule angelic orders, spiritual realm
- (3) Will sit upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north
- sovereignty, authority (Read how he tried to tempt Jesus – Matthew 4:8)
- (4) Will ascend above the heights of the clouds
- clouds refer to glory (Exodus 16:10; Luke 21:27)
- wanted to be praised and given more glory than God
- (5) Will be LIKE (Imitation of) God
- he recognizes that he isn’t God and at best can only try to but imitate God
- he works through deception